When Trump’s “victory” in the US election became clear, there was a huge “rally” of shares in Tesla, crypto-currency, banks, prison “operators”... and the dollar. Apparently the President-elect’s proposals for tariffs against foreign imports and mass deportation of “illegal” workers didn’t have the expected dampening effect on the financial markets. Which only confirms that whichever clown wins the race to the White House, or indeed 10 Downing Street, capitalism will always “rally”. Because the one thing the candidates never put into question is the profit system. If they did, they wouldn’t get elected. And forget about the puzzling contradictions - Trump inviting in a billionaire advisor like Musk whose factory makes electric cars, while he’s into fossil fuel drilling, or the crypto boost, when this virtual currency rests on no real value...! It’s all such a con!
The revolutionary alternative
Electorates are promised everything and when they get nothing, they’re meant to keep calm and carry on. Put up with a class system which swaps around political leaders every few years in an ever-more-transparent pretence of “democracy”. All in the vain hope of keeping a moribund world capitalism alive. In most recent elections - whether in Britain, the USA, even Japan, the “incumbent” party either got kicked out, or kicked in the teeth... Turnouts have been falling, with failure to register to vote and exclusions increasing. The working class majorities of this world understand perfectly well about the binary political non-choices they are offered! What is the alternative? The system places a minority in power over a majority; relying on “armed bodies of men” to keep the powerful, richest few, in place. But the police and army are recruited from the majority. As history shows, they cannot always be relied upon to protect capitalist “democracy”. If the working class mounts a collective challenge, in order to build a totally new system, these “armed bodies” may prefer not to fire on their own working class sisters and brothers. They may even join their side.
We’re all “legitimate” earthlings!
Political economists talk about the coming threat of world war. But the biggest threat to existence on this planet today - aggravated by climate change - is the total inability of worldwide capitalism to sustain human life in the poorest 2/3 of the globe - where there already are multiple wars. As a result, millions of people are trying to move across borders to the rich 1/3, fleeing wars due to rivalries to seize mineral wealth and power; fleeing catastrophic famine and economic hardship; risking their lives. And what does this pernicious and bankrupt system offer in response? Every single political leader wants to “strengthen borders”, and bring in anti-refugee measures - and like Trump, mass deportations. They claim to be targeting “illegal” immigrants. But their concept of “legality” is absurd. How can there be a “right to remain” anywhere on this earth when our degenerate planetary social systems have got to the point where there can be no further “evolutionary progress”, unless the earth’s territory is managed as one whole land-mass whose resources are shared among all inhabitants? But just at the precise moment in human history when it’s become critical to open all borders, reactionary forces are closing them! In 1919, Russian revolutionaries who’d just overthrown the czar, held a conference in Baku - obviously, not about climate change (!), but in the name of revolutionary internationalism. Their object - already 105 years ago - was to build a world without borders, starting with the oppressive Russian Empire. They didn’t succeed. But today the task of getting rid of national borders can surely not be delayed any further! ❐